This was such a good read Faisal. Not to self promote here, but I just shared a new issue where I talk about how I was not in touch with my faith. It led me to a life where I had almost everything materialistically speaking yet it was an unhappy time for me.

I was always looking for ways to find faith in myself, but how could I when I was so disconnected from our Creator?

It was after I started practicing my faith when I found faith in myself too.

It’s so uncanny how your post landed in my inbox a couple of hours after I posted my experience with reconnecting with my faith.

Thank you for such a thoughtful piece. I really enjoyed it.


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Thanks so much Wajeeha - really appreciate your feedback and it's so interesting to read of your own journey. I just read your article and masha'allah it's spot on. It's why I also do what I do - I've learned the thing we need most is meaning - and imagine when you know yourself, and that you are MEANT to write - it's linked to the very fabric of who you are and what you're supposed to do here - what a difference would that make to a) the work you do b) your resilience and belief in yourself to overcome all obstacles in your path and c) it would lead to you reaching your potential - as you'd naturally be pushing yourself to greater heights!

Now imagine if everyone understood this - it would change the world!

One thing I've really learned on this journey is the power of DIVINE TIMING. Everything happens when it's supposed to. Even the fact you wrote on this earlier and then did I - even that type of synchronicity is not random - I really believe it's all connected, somehow!

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I'm glad my post resonated with you. I also really truly believe in Divine Timing, as I don't think I could have reached this point any sooner than I did. To be honest I'm still a work in progress, but I've learned to give myself daily reminders and keep myself connect to my faith. I used to think I could just put it on autopilot, but in reality we need to stay in touch with it constantly.

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