The Passionate Pursuit of Purpose, Explained.
I’ve been studying purpose and the path towards fulfilling one’s potential for over a decade now.
Here’s what you need to know about me:
I was a straight-A student until I wasn’t. The hard work waned as complacency set in. I cruised through college, ticking along and going with the flow - as many purposeless people do, just waiting to tick off the next tick box milestone. Graduation, corporate role, promotion etc. Rinse and repeat.
I’ve always had a strong sense of curiosity, with a penchant for reading, writing and learning new things. In my twenties, I was constantly told that I needed to stop ‘being a generalist’ and to ‘specialise’ if I ever wanted to ‘become’ something.
I graduated from Law School with one of the highest grades in my year. Here’s the only problem - I hated law.
I worked for ‘big’ companies in commercial roles, both public and private sector. The only pursuit became for the career and more money. Same as everyone else. A slow, soulless erosion of my spirit and self-worth.
I was fast losing myself.
In the end, I quit my corporate job in procurement aged 29 with no idea of what to do, next.
I regretted my lack of application once in the working world - and felt immense pain that I had failed to fulfil my potential.
Even from a spiritual perspective, although I was considered ‘practising’ in terms of Islam, it felt pretty empty and ritualistic. What was the meaning behind any of it? I’d never really been told.
A trip to Cape Town awoke a spark within me. For the first time in a long time, I felt a stirring of the soul, which was centred around truth, justice and seeking knowledge.
It led to a long pursuit into my own projects, finding myself, entrepreneurship, spirituality and self-actualisation for me to actually figure out my own purpose and to find out the keys to fulfilling one’s potential.
Fast forward to the present, and I'm the founder of KNOW and Muslim CEO. But more than that, I'm a huge believer in the power of knowledge, self-sufficiency, and the pursuit of freedom.
Today, my work is centered around the pursuit of these principles. Through my company KNOW, I help individuals find their true purpose and potential by building knowledge of self and critical thinking skills. At Muslim CEO, our focus is on helping people become self-sufficient by setting up their own knowledge-based businesses.
But why these topics? Because I firmly believe that when you find your purpose, it's a game changer. And when you become self-sufficient, you have the power to do whatever you want with that purpose.
My Substack, the Divine Duty, is an extension of these principles. Every so often, I'll be sharing insights, resources, and stories on how to find your purpose, develop your skills and curiosity, and unlock your full potential so you can fulfil the divine duty that was assigned to you.
If you're someone who believes in the pursuit of freedom, then this newsletter is for you.
Subscribe now and let’s go on this journey together!