“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and save him”. - Ezra Pound
No-one is coming to save you.
Your condition will change only when you change yourself, as per the cast-iron promise in the Qu’ran.
Much of the reason why I do what I do (i.e. help people find their purpose aka their divine duty) is because I've found this to be the best formula to activate any individual to have internal motivation than anything else (bar a serious life crisis).
Our deen is one based on action and urgency.
When Musa (as) had fear - he was told take action.
So many other prophetic examples - Ayyub (as), etc.
The hadith 'tie your camel and trust in Allah' - the taking action comes first.
There's also the hadith if you're planting a seed and the last day comes, carry on planting... this means we should not do work based on expecting a certain outcome.
We should continue doing the work, even if tomorrow is not guaranteed.
The RESULTS come from Allah, but you have to do the work.
This is why much of what we have to fix, is not necessarily our action taking, but our mindset.
Why are we unable to take action?
We are confused, distracted, we have fear, traumas, and we lack clarity.
All of these things we need to learn how to overcome.
And purpose is the one thing that helps to resolve all of them.
In terms of how much control we have - we have been given the gift of the immense power of dua - which is said it can even change our destiny if done with the right intensity.
The key to all of this IS to act with ihsan and intensity in whatever we do.
Half-heartedness will get us nowhere.
So, when will you be ready to free yourself?
If you’re interested in taking action to finally achieve freedom and purpose, there are a few actions you can take right now.
1) Check out our free quiz and see how aligned you are with your life purpose.
2) If you’d like to improve your score or learn more you can apply to have a free discovery call with me or my team.
3) If you’d like to join a free community of fellow lifelong learners and those in pursuit of their purpose, you can do so here (and check out the free purpose mini-course in the classroom!): https://www.skool.com/kn-ow/about