Are You Trying to Be a Hand When You Were Made to Be the Heart?
Explore how discovering and fulfilling your unique role can lead to a thriving Ummah.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) famously said:
"The believers, in their mutual kindness, compassion, and empathy, are like one body: if one part of the body suffers, the rest responds with sleeplessness and fever."
It’s one of the most well-known hadith in Islam, but here’s a key question for you:
If the Ummah is one body… what part of the body are YOU?
Are you the hands doing the work?
The heart pumping life into the community?
Or are you the appendix… sitting there, doing nothing, until you randomly cause problems?!
If the Ummah is indeed like one body, then every believer has a specific role to play.
Every limb, organ, and nerve has a unique purpose, after all. And together, they create a functioning, formidable whole.
The beauty of the Ummah lies in its diversity.
The brain thinks.
The eyes see.
The tongue speaks.
The legs move the body.
Now imagine if the legs criticised the eyes for "just watching" or the tongue accused the brain of being "too quiet."
Absurd, right?
This is exactly what happens when we compare methods of serving the Ummah.
Some excel in verbal da’wah.
Others are hands-on with charity.
Some teach, while others nurture the next generation.
None of these is "better" than the other.
Together, they are the essence of our collective strength.
Here’s the real question though:
Do you know YOUR role in serving the Ummah?
The one you were divinely designed for?
The Prophet (saw) said:
"Every task is made easy for the one it was created for." (Ibn Majah 78)
Whatever you were put here to do, you'll find it naturally comes easy to you. You're damn good at it. And it makes you happy.
But here’s the problem:
- Some of us don’t know what our role is.
- Some of us aren’t fulfilling it because we’re stuck in survival mode.
- And some of us are so disconnected, we’ve forgotten we’re even part of the body at all.
What happens to a body when parts stop functioning?
It weakens. It falls apart. Eventually, it dies.
We see this today in the disunity, passivity, and chaos across the Ummah.
Our individual 'organs' are not performing their role - rendering the body practically lifeless.
We need to begin to figuring out our individual role - our divine duty - and playing it to the best of our ability.
This will help the body to recover, revive and eventually thrive.
Ask yourself:
Are you the heart, bringing compassion and care to the community?
Are you the hands, taking action to build and uplift?
Are you the mind, planning, leading, and guiding the way?
Are you the eyes, spotting opportunities and challenges?
Look within and look for the clues. Allah gave YOU specific skills, strengths, and talents that nobody else has.
Your skills and passions.
Your experiences.
Your mindset and perspective.
Together, these make you completely unique.
Together, they allow you to fulfil your role.
Because when every part of the body works together in harmony, it’s unstoppable.
If you’re interested in figuring out your specific role so the body (the Ummah) can thrive, there’s a few things you can do.
1) Check out our free quiz and see how aligned your current life is with your life’s true purpose.
2) If you’d like to improve your score or learn more you can apply to book in a free discovery call with me or my team.
3) If you’d like to join a community of fellow lifelong learners and those in pursuit of their purpose, you can do so here: - and check out the free purpose mini-course in the classroom while you’re there!
4) Finally, if you’d like to work with me on this journey, either in a group setting or on a 1-2-1 then send me a message saying BODY (I’ll know what that means!) and I’ll get back to you with the next steps!